19th June, 7 to 10pm: The Cambridge Summer Cocktail
The Prague House, Avenue Palmerston 16, 1000 Brussels
Wednesday, 19th June. 19:00 to 22:00
The Prague House,
16 avenue Palmerston, 1000 Brussels
Free to members & their partners
Guests and sister society members €10
email secretary@camsoc.be
before 16th June.
More Info
email events@camsoc.be
The Cambridge Society Committee is delighted to invite you to our Annual Summer Cocktail, on Wednesday 19th June 2019 from 7pm onwards. The City of Prague has very kindly offered to host us at their beautiful historic Prague House in Brussels.
Members and their guests, members of our sister societies and their guests are most welcome at one of our 25th Anniversary Celebrations.
Please sign-up ASAP -- see below for details. Light catering, drinks and wonderful company in abundance.
The Prague House was built in the period of 1897-1899 (as most houses in the street) by the prominent Belgian architects M. Bosmans and Henry Van de Veldem. It was in fact their first joint project for the famous Belgian family of Van Stratum.
The Prague House is located between two beautiful squares, Marie-Louise and Ambiorix, in the vicinity of European institutions. These squares together with the Avenue Palmerston, form a park complex interlinked through a system of fountains and small lakes. The Marie-Louise Square was created in 1875 following the plan of development of this area proposed by the architect Gédéon Bordiau. Belgian rich aristocracy had their residences in the square. Over the centuries, the system of lakes started slowly diminishing and the lakes were gradually filled in, with only the largest one being preserved, forming the focal point of the Marie Louise Square.
You can find more information about the history of the house here: http://www.prague-house.eu/en/prague-house/history-of-the-prague-house/ and some photos here: http://www.prague-house.eu/en/photogallery/photography/.
Members and guests are heartily welcome from 7 to 10 pm to celebrate the beginning of summer among friends at possibly CamSoc’s last get-together before the long vacation gap. If the weather is sunny we will hold the event in their beautiful garden otherwise in the house.
Attendance to the cocktail is free for paid up members (including student and honorary members) and their partners, who are welcome to bring guests for a €10 contribution. Members of our partner societies are also very welcome as guests (please provide your affiliation when you register and pay). We do need you to register if you plan to attend.
Alternatively persons who have not paid their annual membership fee please see here first.
Payment via wire transfer (virement) or in cash (we really prefer NOT to take money at the door. If you must exact amounts please!) In your virement please provide your names and how many guests in the payment memo.
Bank Transfer:
IBAN: BE26 0689 0251 7329, BIC: GKCCBEBB,
in the name of: “Cambridge Society of Belgium”,
memo: “<lastname> <firstname> etc, <affiliation>, Cambridge Society Cocktail
Please signup before 16th June by emailing Matija, secretary@camsoc.be please give your affiliation. We do need you to register if you plan to attend.
Remember members of our partner societies are very welcome.