Summer Cocktail at the Famous and Historic Maison des Brasseurs on the Grand' Place
See the photos below.
The Committee and the Cambridge Society of Belgium are delighted to invite you to a prestigious reception on 9th June 2017 on the occasion of the visit of the Oxford and Cambridge Society of India (OCSI).
This will be an opportunity to meet Alumni from India, other members from the Oxford and Cambridge Societies together with their guests. The Society is also excited to announce that during this reception the Committee will unveil a new CamSoc crest and officially launch the new website!
We cordially ask you to join us on Friday 9th June historic Great Hall at the famous Maison des Brasseurs, Grand Place 10 in Brussels from 18:30 onwards. After the cocktail those who are interested may join us for dinner.
The Oxford and Cambridge Society of India as well as the Committees of the Cambridge and Oxford Societies sincerely hope to see you there. See below for details if you plan on coming...
Steven Laycock
President of the Cambridge Society of Belgium
Vikram Lall
President of the Oxford and Cambridge Society of India (OCSI)

Registration Information
Attending this unique event is free for paid-up CamSoc members. Guests or unpaid members are asked to contribute €15 per person, alternatively eligible persons may pay their membership (see here) by wire transfer (virement) or in cash at the entrance (exact amounts please!) Those who pay by wire transfer (virement) are asked to provide their names and how many guests in the payment memo. Details IBAN: BE26 0689 0251 7329 of the Cambridge Society of Belgium.
In order to register for this event please send an email and state your name and that of any guest you want to bring, BEFORE 6th June 2017. Kenneth is taking the lead and please contact him if you are interested in coming, have further questions or would like to help at cc We prefer not to take money on the door. If you need to do so please email but it will be a great help if registrations are done well ahead of time.
OCSI's Full Programme
The OCSI party is visiting Belgium from 8th-11th June, including a trip to Waterloo, Ghent and Bruges, together with a number of Brussels museums (Horta House, Magritte exhibition etc etc). In addition OCSI will be holding a dinner at Chez Leon on 8th June and have rented a mini bus to visit several interesting sites in Flanders with a few spare places for the weekend.
If you would like to join any of these events or lunches/dinners, we might be able to include you depending on restaurant/bus capacity on a first come first serve basis. If interested please contact Steve or Kenneth who will interface with Vikram Lall, President of OCSI and former member of the Cambridge Society of Belgium.