Annual Croquet Match in Genval against Oxford: Once more unto the breach, and all that...
24th June 2018 at 10:30am – 17:00pm
Genval croquet lawn
(Chateau du Lac)
Transport Available
(please contact us)
The train, Schuman platform 2, arrives in Genval at 10:32. Nice short walk to croquet.
Participation is Free
Optional lunch: € TBD pp
Kenneth Lasoen
+32 471 874 779
When the history of the Society is written - and it is, as we speak, being written in preparation of our 25th anniversary celebrations - the record will have to reflect ruefully that our sportsmanlike endeavours have for years on end been blighted by the croquet trophy remaining in the icy fingers of the bloated corpse that is the Oxford Society. Through cunning, guile, and even sabotage they have managed to cheat their way onto ill-gotten victory every time with such elaborate schemes preposterous enough to make dear old Munchausen look like gospel.
Even despite last year’s splendid weather and a blast of good fun, the brave CamSoc croquet team saw victory snatched at the very last moment by the devious other side. Currently however, dear Cantabs, the question before the house is: what do we do about it? We shall have to come to (croquet mallet) blows and other civilised expressions of mutual ill feeling to break this cycle of the ungodly Oxonian ways.
The only way to do that is through numbers. The call to arms is sounded once more to make your way to the lawns of Genval. It promises once again to be great fun! Sign up now and let us know if we can offer you transport there. To improve morale we have made arrangements for refreshments as well as a cultural outing afterwards, when we will be friends again with the Oxford Society. Before that however, let’s have a magnificent turnout and thereby upset OxSoc’s applecart irretrievably.
To continue the congeniality of this lovely event in the beautiful surroundings of the Genval lake, we offer the possibility to join in for some lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant. If you care to join, we will send you menu options. The price for an all-inclusive meal will be €TBD, with a TBD% discount for CamSoc members under 30 years.
Kenneth Lasoen
Vice President
Captain of Music - Master of the Mallet