Late Summer Barbecue, Sunday 2nd September 15:30 onwards

Sunday, 2nd September 15:30 onwards
“The President’s Residence”,
12a avenue de la Raquette, Woluwe Saint Pierre
Fully paid up members (including student members (no fee) etc), partners and children welcome.
No charge to the eligible.
The President and Committee are delighted to invite you to our Late Summer Barbecue. This is an informal, family friendly event where members and their families have an opportunity to socialise in the fresh air. We thought we would like to try such an informal BYO barbecue with the emphasis on just enjoying each other’s company in a relaxed environment.
Attendance is limited to first 25 persons (including partners and children), so please sign-up now (email saying what food and/or drink you will bring and how many adults & children will be accompany you. Registration will be on a first-come first-serve basis. New prospective members will also be invited by the Committee.
Thanks to those who have already signed-up and especially those who have offered to help.
The barbecue will be held at 15:30 onwards at “The President’s Residence” : 12a avenue de la Raquette, Woluwe Saint Pierre.
- Ample & easy parking in the street;
- Stockel metro approx. 10 mins walk;
- Two possible tram lines;
- At least one bus route too.
- Zaventhem Airport is 15 mins drive for those who are extra enthusiastic.
In order to make the event as interesting and flexible as possible. This event is basically “BYO – Bring your own.”
- Bring your own food to cook;
- Let us know when you sign-up what you will bring extra like salads or deserts (there tends to be too many salads);
- The Society will provide some drinks (beer / sparkling water / soft drinks) but BYO too;
- We hope to reduce our modest stock of consumables left from previous events;
- The Society provides the barbecues, charcoal (FSC!!), sauces, nibbles and anything otherwise missing;
Other information…
- Let us know if you can come early to help set-up or stay later to clear away;
- All ideas welcome to improve the event!!
- We hope to try a version of croquet if we can manage to set something up with our valiant new Master of the Mallet, Alastair!