Saturday, 11th September 2021 - 18:00 onwards. Cambridge Social at the Kamilou
36 rue Joseph II, 1000 Bruxelles
Saturday, 11th September 6pm onwards
The Kamilou
European Quarter
36 rue Joseph II,
1000 Bruxelles.
Click here to register
This is obligatory!
Free but registration necessary
We have a limited number of free drinks.
(First come first served to registered full-members)
CONTACT (More info)
Philipp Requat
Details -- see below for a mini event report
You will be welcomed by us from 6pm onwards.
Nibbles and the first drinks will be on the Society for full-members. Please register and respect your commitment so that the venue can ensure sufficient tables, chairs and staff are available.
If the weather is kind, there is a friendly courtyard behind. Please respect any Covid rules or requests. Please also come fully vaccinated, tested etc for the safety of everyone. You may well wish to eat at their restaurant. If so, we advise you to make a reservation mentioning the Cambridge Society.
“Full-members” are those who paid membership fees for 2020 (or 2021) or honorary or student members . Full membership was carried over from 2020 through to the end of 2021. Because of Covid no membership fees were charged in 2021 except to new members. However, if anybody wishes to benefit as a full member when they attend the above event it would be a great time to become one. Any memberships paid in September onwards cover the rest of 2021 and 2022. Click here for more information.

Mini Event Report from Philipp Requat (thanks for organising)
We inaugurated the (hopefully) post-pandemic social season for Camsoc with a laid back drinks event at the Kamilou in the European quarter to appease the vengeful gods. In spite of the otherwise solemn anniversary, they appeared to look upon us with favour and granted sufficiently un-Belgian weather to enjoy the venue's garden against the apt musical backdrop of Coltrane's Favorite Things. Event was very good, lots of young members and new faces. Around 40 persons attended.
The organisers were very happy to see the enthusiasm of members and guests for further events in the very near future and hope to be able to meet the pent up demand for reinvigorating socialising opportunities with an imminent croquet match.