Annual Croquet Match in Genval against Oxford 2023
Mini event report below
Sunday, 10th September at 10:45am - 12:45pm
followed by an optional lunch
Martin’s Chateau du Lac
Avenue du Lac 87
Transport options available
Alastair Paice
Don’t miss the annual Oxford v Cambridge Croquet match on Sunday, 11th September, from 10.45 onwards, warm-up and tournament. Family members and friends most welcome.
The match will take place at the usual venue: The croquet lawn on the lakeside, immediately in front of the hotel Château du Lac, Avenue du Lac 87, 1332 Genval. All croquet equipment will be provided. The dress code is straightforward: Flat-soled shoes, trainers or tennis shoes, (de rigueur, to avoid damaging the lawns); it’s traditional to wear white. A trophy is awarded to the winning side. No experience is required, just enthusiasm and gamesmanship. The new croquet was named in 2021 as the “Sorgo-Camu Croquet Cup” after the two founders of our annual tournament Poznan Sorgo, (Quote from Guy “An accolade richly deserved for the doyen of the Society”) and Alain Camu from Oxford. We hope you (and as many friends as you can rustle up) will join us at this convivial social event. If you plan to come, please let us know by sending an email to As in previous years, we plan to welcome players and supporters to join us, after the match, for the optional lunch (pay as you go) at the restaurant La Laguna. Our Illustrious Captain of Croquet, Alastair Paice, will be welcoming you. Access by car20 km southeast of Brussels, off the E411 to Luxembourg to Avenue du Lac 87, 1332 Genval. Access by train (bus)Please note SNCB changes: there is currently a direct bus (BUS11755 in direction of Ottignies), replacing the train, leaving at 9.20am from Brussels-Schuman and 9.24am Brussels-Luxembourg and arriving at Genval at 10.14am. We strongly advise participants to check the SNCB train timetable near the date as changes do occur |

Mini Event Report
We had a great turnout at Genval despite the heat. A fun time was had by all.
There was huge enthusiasm and sportsmanship from our Croquet Team led by our indefatigable Captain of Croquet, Alastair Paice.
Cambridge beat Oxford: 33 to 31 and we recovered the shiny “Sorgo-Camu Croquet Cup”. Named after the two founders of our annual tournament Poznan Sorgo and Alain Camu from Oxford.
The Laguna hosted us for a nice celebratory lunch.
Thanks to everyone for coming.
"Croquet: Two Thousand And Twenty Three" by Alastair Paice
Dear Cantabs all, here we are once more,
We stood up as early as the cock that crows, the Sunday sound
Of bells, alumni drawn to this hallowed meadow ground
In white sleev’d shirts to play, we are with at least a score,
By the Lake, reminds us of the Cam and it’s passing oar,
Ah, to be from Cambridge! Oft I have looked around
With joy in these green vales; but never found,
Myself so satisfied in heart before.
Europe is still in bounds, no talk of Brexit, let that pass,
For this, another moment thou art free,
To play for CamSoc with joy and pride,
For one hour’s perfect bliss, to tread the grass
Of Genval, here once again to meet and see,
These many dear Companions at our side.
A pleasure to be here at all,
Imagine this, are we but children playing make-believe ?
We play to win, so roll up your sleeve,
And strike the mallet, don’t make it small,
Last days of summer and armed with hoop and ball,
Play and play again, still no chance of some reprieve.
To be ahead, a wonder, and for once we are relieved,
To have strength in numbers, no changing sides,
And should it be us to have the gall,
To climb upon the ivory tower tall,
That we can play once more around the green,
And come out knowing more than we knew before ?
Before the time is up, we are on the brink,
To succeed where others fail,
Waiting as for many years it has been,
To come so close to hold the holy grail.
Well what must we think ?
The scorer’s voice again for us has hailed,
A moment savoured and at last the final score,
For CamSoc, Steve’s team has again prevailed !
With apologies to William Wordsworth (alumnus of St. John’s college 1787-1791) and others