Cambridge Society of Belgium's 30th Anniversary Dinner Dance – Friday 9th February 2024
The President and the Committee request the pleasure of your company at the Cambridge Society Annual Dinner 2024, which marks the 30th anniversary of the Cambridge Society of Belgium.
The dinner will be held at the prestigious Cercle Royal Gaulois (Rue de la Loi 5, 1000 Brussels) and will be followed by a dance in the stunning ballroom of the Cercle, to properly celebrate the occasion.
The dress code is black tie or smart evening dress. Smart lounge suits and smart ladies' business attire is acceptable. Gentlemen are expected to wear ties. Academic attire and national costumes are especially welcome.
Speaker and Guest of Honour
We are delighted to welcome Baroness Hale of Richmond as our Speaker and Guest of Honour for the evening.
Baroness Hale, an alumna of Girton College, is the former President of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. In 2004, she was appointed the first female Lord of Appeal in Ordinary in the House of Lords. She served as Law Lord until 2009, when she became vice-president of the Supreme Court. In her early years, Lady Hale worked in academia and became a professor of law at the University of Manchester.
She gained international attention in 2019 when she ruled on behalf of the Supreme Court that Boris Johnson's prorogation of the British Parliament was illegal.
The Baroness will talk on the subject of "Women in the Justice System".
Pre-dinner drinks from 7pm
Formal dinner at 8pm
Dance from 10pm
Carriages at 2am
Full members* and their partners:€100 per person;
Full members under 30 years old: €80 per person;
Non-members and guests**: €120 per person;
Dance only (from 10pm): €40 per person.
Lastly, the possibility of attendance subsidised by society funds if anyone should be in a position of genuine need (please confidentially contact isabelle@camsoc.be or our Hon. President, Steven).
Please confirm your attendance by registering here by Friday 2nd February, and making your payment to the Cambridge Society bank account (BE26 0689 0251 7329 in the name of "Cambridge Society of Belgium”) mentioning "Annual Dinner 2024", your name and how many people at which price.
Your participation is confirmed once your payment has been received and accepted.
Please note that we will be unable to refund any cancellations made after 2nd of February.
*Full members are members of the Cambridge Society of Belgium who have paid their annual subscription, or Honorary Members of the Society, or Student members.
**Including members of our sister Alumni organisations - the Cambridge Alumni Societies of other countries, Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, Chicago, Princeton, Yale and others.