Wednesday, 25th September 2024 – “Through the Photographer's Lens” - Justin Jin, The Stories Behind the Stories

Justin Jin, the internationally-renowned National Geographic photographer and writer – the magazine’s only current contributor with this dual distinction — and a Cambridge alumnus, will take us behind the scenes into his prize-winning work. His visual presentation will span Arctic Russia, Europe, and the Sahara. A look behind three energy projects.He hitched-hiked at minus 40°C and cadged accommodation with Siberian oilmen to get his work done (just one example of the many tales he will tell).

Justin will give us a tour of the why’s and how’s of his work, focusing on digging out real personal stories that reflect universal concern. He will show how the media, governmental institutions and corporations can use authentic storytelling to convey their messages.

Justin’s other stories, for later, include Chinese tea culture (to be published in the National Geographic January 2025), Early Humans (National Geographic in February 2025), Plastics Waste Awareness (United Nations), and Champagne and Cognac (for Pernod Ricard).

The photo show and talk will be held at the Cercle Royal Gaulois, rue de la Loi 5, 1000 Brussels, on Wednesday 25th September at 7:00pm (doors open at 6:30 pm with welcome drinks). The presentation will be followed by an excellent walking dinner and an opportunity to chat with Justin over drinks.

Dress code: smart business attire

Tickets should be purchased by midnight, Sunday 22nd September.

Practical details

Doors will open at 6:30pm sharp with welcome drinks.

  • Full Members of the Cambridge Society (of Belgium, Luxembourg, Paris and The Netherlands) can purchase tickets for themselves and their partners at €55 per person.
  • Young Members of the Cambridge Societies (under 30) can purchase tickets at €45 per person.
  • Non-Member tickets are available at €60 per person.

Since places are limited, please register early to avoid disappointment. Tickets will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis.

Please confirm your attendance by registering here and making your payment to the Cambridge Society bank account (BE26 0689 0251 7329 in the name of "Cambridge Society of Belgium”) mentioning "Justin Jin event 2024", your name and that of your guests, if any, before midnight, Sunday 22nd September.

Please note that we will be unable to refund any cancellations made after the 22nd September.

Pictures of the Evening