Annual Croquet Match in Genval against Oxford 2024
Sunday, 29th September at 11:00am - 12:45pm
followed by an optional lunch
Warm-up from 10am onward
Martin’s Chateau du Lac
Avenue du Lac 87
Transport options available
Alastair Paice
Don’t miss the annual Oxford v Cambridge Croquet match on Sunday, 29th September, from 11am onwards, (warm-up at 10am) and tournament. Family members and friends most welcome.
The match will take place at the usual venue: The croquet lawn on the lakeside, immediately in front of the hotel Château du Lac, Avenue du Lac 87, 1332 Genval. All croquet equipment will be provided. The dress code is straightforward: Flat-soled shoes, trainers or tennis shoes, (de rigueur, to avoid damaging the lawns); it’s traditional to wear white. A trophy is awarded to the winning side. No experience is required, just enthusiasm and gamesmanship. We hope you (and as many friends as you can rustle up) will join us at this convivial social event. If you plan to come, please let us know by registering here As in previous years, we plan to welcome players and supporters to join us, after the match, for the optional lunch (pay as you go) at the restaurant La Laguna. Our Illustrious Captain of Croquet, Alastair Paice, will be welcoming you. Access by car20 km southeast of Brussels, off the E411 to Luxembourg to Avenue du Lac 87, 1332 Genval. Access by train (bus)We strongly advise participants to check the SNCB train timetable for Genval from Schuman near the date as changes do occur |
Mini Report
Very happy to report that Cambridge had an excellent turnout. Great to see some familiar & new faces, also many and enthusiastic beginners. It was a hoot -- a great time was had by all.
Ancient CamSoc War Song – Translated by Alastair Paice 😉.
Sons of old of Cambridge, arise!
The glorious hour has come, go forth !
And, worthy of such ties,
Display who gave us youth !
Cambridge alumni let us go
In arms against the foe,
Each year against those Oxford men,
We dream to vanquish them !
Then manfully not despising
To raise a mallet, and in one stroke,
Let your college see you arising,
Show how your chains are broke.
Brave light blues, prophesy of sages,
Behold the coming strife!
Varsity matches through the ages,
Oh, start again to life!
At the sound of my trumpet, break
Your Sunday slumber, oh join with me
Against the city of spires we do seek,
To fight and conquer, be not meek !
Oh Steve, oh Stevie, why in slumbers ?
Awake, and join our numbers,
Kings and Queens’ recalling,
That choirs of ancient song,
Will save ye this time from failing !
Bless the weak, bless the strong!
Once more engage in that diversion
On the green and by the lake,
A tradition we will not break !
Between two teams a war is waging
That battle, such notoriety,
And like a lion raging,
Triumphs again our proud Society !
Apologies to: George Gordon Byron (Trinity)