Cambridge Christmas Party 2024, Sunday 8th December, 3:00pm onwards
Sunday, 8th December 2024,
From 15:00 onwards
(carriages at 19:00)
1050 Brussels
exact address when you signup
(Isabelle and François' Place)
Signup before 5th Dec
Click here
FREE for members (and their families)
More information
Isabelle de Hennin,
The Cambridge Society warmly invites you to a Christmas Party for a festive celebration with mince pies and mulled wine. For some reason, traditionally we mention the significance of the Xmas Party Day. 8th December has been declared "Pretend to be a Time Traveller Day" -- real time travellers are welcome whether Members or not. However, irrefutable evidence of time-travel will be required.
Isabelle (Trinity) and François de Hennin have kindly offered to welcome us in their home for this Christmas gathering. From 3 pm onwards the mince pies will be warm and the candles lit. Musical entertainment is in preparation.
Mince pies will be sourced from the UK – therefore, if you are attending, please do let us know by signing-up as below so that we can plan the catering.
The event is free to paid-up members and current Cambridge students (ie Student Members). Non-paid-up members might be interested in joining the Society (paying membership after September includes 2025 membership). See website or newsletter for details.
To sign up please use this link before 5th December (places are limited).
We look forward to welcoming you to share a Christmas moment with us on the 8th December.
Parking is easy nearby. The apartment block will have multiple internal signposts so keep your eyes open to go to the 8th floor and find the correct flat. Otherwise sniff for mulled wine and mince pies!