Country Walk 19th October 2013

Fancy a bracing walk in good company to chase away the autumn cobwebs? Why not join us and the Oxford Society Treasurer, Robert Adams, on Sunday 20th October at the ADEPS walk from Ottignies. His detailed proposals are as follow:

The Centre d’Accueil for this walk is at the following address : Ecole St-Pie X, Avenue St-Pie X, 5 , 1340 Ottignies

The organizer is Comité des fêtes Ecole St-Pie X – Eric Xhonneux 010 61 65 01

There is public transport to the Gare d’Ottignies : bus TEC 17 or train from Schuman. By car it’s about 30-40 minutes’ drive

He suggests meeting at the Centre d’Accueil at 11.00 to 11.15 and take the 10kms walk (although people can choose 5kms or 15/20 as they wish).

This in an opportunity to see the beautiful and interesting countryside of Belgium and to sample local food including wonderful sausages from the barbecue and different regional beers and other drinks (e.g. wine). A bit more info is available at website of ADEPS ( click on Points Verts – Marche – 20 October.

If you are interested please contact Robert: .

Dogs are welcome provided they are kept on leads and good walking shoes are advised.

We look forward to seeing you there!